Acne vulgaris is the scientific name for
acne. Everyone gets this skin disease. At a certain point in life. In fact, it has been proven that about 85% of the total population in any place have had a cause to be infected with
pimples are during a point in their lives this occurring mostly during the teenage years. Also, women seem to keep fighting the scourge well into their 40s and 50s as a result of female body cycles and the hormonal changes that occur in women. Men have also been known to develop
pimples as a result of stress. The cause of acne is not complicated. It is caused by the blocking of the skin pores by oil and dead skin layers. When the oil and the skin block the skin pores, it gives room for bacteria that is trapped under the pores to grow causing infection.
Androgen hormones cause the
sebaceous glands to produce too much oil, then when excessive skin oils and the bacteria are trapped below the surface of the skin, the area becomes inflamed and the mixture begins to leak into surrounding skin. This build up, causes swelling, redness and pus, which is seen on the surface of the skin as a pimple; either a whitehead or a blackhead. Although acne has been around since the beginning of man, it is a fairly under-studied disease. This means that there is still a lot of frustration for those that suffer from acne, since a lot of trial and error is involved in treating the condition. Doctors still can not identify one single treatment to resolve all cases of
acne. More often than not, they ask their patient to try one treatment after another until they find the solution that will work for them. To add to this frustration, the skin takes a long time to show improvements even when treatment is working.There are effective treatments for all types of acne, even for the most severe of cases. It is best to seek treatment for acne sooner rather than later as acne is a progressive condition that moves from mild, to moderate to severe quickly over time. Severe acne can, and often does, cause permanent scarring of the skin. Once this happens, the acne sufferer will either have permanent scars or will have to seek regular treatment to have the scars removed. This is a hassle that they do not need after years of painful acne.The person that seeks medical treatment for their acne before it reaches the stage of being severe has a better chance of fully recovering unscathed. They can go on to lead "normal" lives with no visible signs of the skin disease that at one time ailed them. If you are currently suffering from acne, the most important decision that you can make is the decision to seek treatment and to halt the progression of the skin disease.
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