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26 August 2009

Learn About Makeup Cosmetics and Acne

Is your temporary solution part of the problem? For decades, dermatologists and cosmetologists alike have debated the effects of cosmetics on the skin, particularly in acne sufferers. Make-up has often been branded an “acne Catch-22” — you want something to cover the redness, but you’re told it may actually be causing your acne. Fortunately, this is only partly true. To understand how to approach the make-up issue, we should start with a discussion of “cosmetic acne.”

Cosmetic Acne & Skin Care - A mild-mannered cousin. Acne cosmetica, or acne that is caused by cosmetics, is a mild and fairly common form of acne. Because it is triggered by topical products rather than the complex process that creates true acne, it can strike anyone — even people who are not physiologically prone to the condition. Characterized by small, rashy pink bumps on the cheeks, chin and forehead, it typically develops over the course of a few weeks or months and may persist indefinitely. If you've recently started using a new skincare product and you're experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, discontinue use of the new product for a few days and see if your breakout subsides.

NOTE: While studies have shown that make-up does not cause true acne, it can exacerbate the condition. So it’s helpful to be aware of common topical triggers, no matter what kind of acne you have.

Cosmetic Acne & Skin Care - The culprit: Comedogenics. Ever wonder where your make-up goes over the course of the day? Some of it is rubbed off by contact with your hands and your clothing, and some of it migrates across your skin, settling into your pores — much like rainwater collects wherever there are small holes in the ground. Some make-ups include ingredients that are considered comedogenic, or substances that are known to clog pores. Although these cosmetics may not cause true plugging of the follicle, certain ingredients may induce follicular irritation. The result? The small, persistent bumps known as “cosmetic acne.
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20 August 2009

7 Tips on Healthy Diet for Acne Skin Care

Cooking in oil.Image via Wikipedia
Don’t eat that — you’ll get zits! We’ve all heard it; from parents, friends or even the family doctor or dermatologists. But the fact is, even after extensive study, scientists have not found a connection between diet and acne. Not chocolate. Not french fries. Not pizza. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “A healthy diet is important for improving raw materials for healthy skin,” but they also note that greasy or sugary foods do not cause acne. Likewise, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association concurred, “Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients…even large amounts of certain foods have not clinically exacerbated acne.” Of course, that doesn’t mean you should make a habit of eating foods high in sugar or fat. The skin is the body’s largest organ, so what’s good for the rest of you will be good for your skin, too.

Acne Prevention & Diet - Nutrients for healthy skin. There are a number of nutrients found in everyday foods that are known to promote a healthy body — and therefore healthy skin. Get wise to these substances, and you’ll increase your chances of conquering your acne.

Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin A. Naturally occurring Vitamin A, or retinol, is found in fish oils, liver and dairy products. The Vitamin A produced by plants is known as Beta-carotene, and is found in yellow/orange fruits and vegetable such as carrots, yams, apricots and cantaloupe, as well as green vegetables like parsley, kale and spinach. Extremely high doses of Vitamin A are toxic, so don't overdo it.

Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin B-2. Stress has been known to aggravate existing cases of acne, and Vitamin B-2 is often helpful alleviating stress. Foods with a high concentration of B-2 include whole grains, fish, milk, eggs, meat and leafy green vegetables.

Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin B-3. Found in peanuts, eggs, avocados, liver and lean meats, Vitamin B-3 improves circulation, promoting healthy skin. It also reduces the cholesterol level in the blood and helps you metabolize protein, sugar & fat — increasing your energy through proper utilization of food.

Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli, wheat germ and vegetable oils. A powerful antioxidant, it protects your cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of the body’s metabolism.

Acne Prevention & Diet - Zinc. Even in trace amounts, the antioxidant zinc is known to boost the immune system, improving overall health — which of course is reflected in the skin. Zinc can be found in eggs, whole grains, nuts and mushrooms.

Acne Prevention & Diet - Know your own triggers. Since acne is different for everyone, there may be certain foods that cause flare-ups in your skin. Clearly, these foods should be avoided. You may also want to check your vitamin supplements for their iodine content; while normal amounts of iodine have not been shown to affect skin, amounts greater than the RDA of 150 mcg may aggravate your acne. Overall, use your common sense. Drink lots of water and eat a healthy, balanced diet — but don’t be afraid to indulge your cravings every now and then.
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18 August 2009

Is this for real? New Chocolate Bar 'Reduces Acne'.

Hi readers,

When I surfing across the web look for idea for articles ideas, I found this interesting news. Most people have misunderstanding that chocolate may cause acne. But actually the answer is "NO". Only nuts in chocolate may cause acne. But chocolate bar that may reduces acne, this is interesting.

A revolutionary new chocolate that is claimed to reduce acne is set to hit Australian shelves.

Manufacturers of the Acne Care range say pimple-plagued sufferers will experience dramatic results within just two
weeks of eating the chocolate.

Developed by US-based Frutels, the chocolate-coated treatment is believed to be the first of its kind.

Packed with antioxidants and micro-nutrients, the chocolates support the body's defences and clarify the skin from within, it is claimed.

Frutels recommend consumers eat between two and five chocolates a day for the fastest results.

Company figures reveal 73 per cent of people surveyed observed an improvement in their skin after taking just two bars per day for two weeks.

A company spokesman said: "This product takes beauty foods to another level by not only tackling acne care in an ingestible form, but by using a food that has been associated with causing acne to make these claims.

"Chocolate has long been taboo for acne sufferers."

The chocolates have swept the UK and US, prompting the move to the Australian market, he said.

They cost about $40 for a month's supply.

Original Source:

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12 August 2009

How Women's Hormones Related to Acne

Adult Acne & Hormones

For millions of women, it happens like clockwork every month: cramping, bloating, mood swings, and acne. Experts know that acne is influenced by hormones, but research on the subject has been relatively limited — until now. A recent study conducted by dermatologist Alan Shalita, MD, confirmed that nearly half of all women experience acne flare-ups during the week preceding their period.

This particular kind of acne — hormonal acne — may fail to respond to traditional therapies, such as topical retinoids and systemic or topical antibiotics. Several clues can help your doctor identify hormonally-influenced acne:

• Adult-onset acne, or breakouts that appear for the first time in adults

• Acne flare-ups preceding the menstrual cycle

• A history of irregular menstrual cycles

• Increased facial oiliness

Hirsutism (excessive growth of hair, or hair in unusual places)

• Elevated levels of certain androgens in the blood stream

While hormonally influenced acne typically begins around age 20–25, it can strike teens and mature women as well, and is most persistent in women over the age of 30. These patients usually experience lesions on the lower face, especially the chin and the jaw line. While some may have breakouts on the chest and back, most have blemishes exclusively on the face. Hormonally-influenced acne is usually moderate and limited to inflammatory papules and small inflammatory nodules and occasional comedones. But how does it start?

Adult Hormonal Acne - Puberty: Where it all begins. Starting sometime before adolescence (around the age of nine or ten) the adrenal glands begin to produce dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), an androgen. Other androgens — the "male" hormones at work in a woman's body — such as testosterone and dehydrotestosterone (DHT), join in at the onset of puberty. All of these hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more of the skin's natural oil, or sebum. This is why oily skin and acne are so prevalent among teenagers. Naturally, since boys have more "male" hormones, teen acne tends to be more severe in males.

The treatment of acne in teenagers can be challenging, because their hormones are in a constant state of flux. They may initially respond very well to first-line treatments, such as topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide, perhaps accompanied by an oral antibiotic. As their bodies develop, however, they may undergo severe hormonal shifts — and stop responding to the current medications. Courses of acne treatment may need to be adjusted more often with teenagers to accommodate these hormonal changes. More about teen acne.

Adult Hormonal Acne - A vicious cycle. Many women pass into adulthood without "outgrowing" their acne. Others may not develop it until their 20s or 30s, experiencing persistent breakouts the week before their period. Why? During the course of a normal menstrual cycle (if a woman is not taking any kind of hormonal birth control pill), estrogen levels peak at mid-cycle, then decline as she nears her period. After ovulation, the ovaries begin to produce progesterone, another hormone which stimulates the sebaceous glands. And with the extra oil comes acne. Hormones are also responsible for acne in a percentage of pregnant women, as well; the sebaceous glands go into high gear during the third trimester, causing oily skin and frequent breakouts. Some women even experience acne after menopause, when estrogen levels begin to taper off and testosterone becomes the dominant hormone.

Adult Hormonal Acne - What can be done? According to Dr. Shalita, the "wait and see" attitude is particularly ineffective for hormonal breakouts: "Acne that worsens during a woman's monthly cycle isn't something that women will grow out of as they get older. Seeing your dermatologist to determine the best treatment plan for acne flare-ups is recommended for the most successful result.

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06 August 2009

Makeup Tutorial - Fresh Look 5 Minutes Makeup

Hi girls, are you wake up late? Are you late for work? Rush to important meeting with lover or friends? Panic and not sure what to do? Don't worry, we have solution for you. This makeup tutorial - fresh look 5 minutes makeup will solve your problem. An easy makeup tutorial that make you look fresh, youthful and most importantly fast. This makeup routine takes me 5 minutes tops! It's all about minimal eye makeup and giving your lips and blushing skin the attention.

Makeup Tutorial - Fresh Look 5 Minutes Makeup

*Original from Michelle Phan

I believe when you apply this makeup tutorial - fresh look 5 minutes makeup you may having difficulty to getting some products used by this video owner, because some products only available at certain country. You may try to search some compatible products at YesStyle Beauty Shop (*free shipping world wide with terms and conditions apply) to complete your makeup.

Good Luck :)

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05 August 2009

Is Your Stress Cause Acne?

How Your Stress Related to Acne?

Is your lifestyle causing your acne? Certainly not. But the way you live affects your whole body, including its largest organ: the skin. The place you work, the hours you keep, the ways you play — all of these can take a toll on the epidermis, especially in those who are prone to acne. Following are a few everyday acne triggers you might not be aware of, and a few things you can do to avoid them. 

Comedones on the job. Since some part of your skin is always in contact with your environment, it’s important to pay attention to the substances with which you come into contact on a regular basis. You may be exposing yourself to comedogenic (pore-clogging) substances on the job without even knowing it; while these substances are not the cause of your acne, they can aggravate it. For example: the airborne grease in a fast-food restaurant can create an invisible film on your skin, clogging your pores.

Most industrial oils — the kinds used in cars, in factories, on bicycles — are comedogenic as well.

Acne & Sleep - Sleep and your skin. The simplest good deed you can do for your skin may surprise you: sleep! Scientists and mothers around the world agree that a good night’s sleep — at least eight hours — can do wonders for your complexion. How? A healthy, well-rested body has the resources to build a strong immune system. While a robust immune system won’t prevent acne altogether, it can help fight infection so your lesions clear up more quickly. Luckily, your body isn’t picky; uninterrupted sleep in the daytime is just as beneficial. So if you work late, sleep late — and try to maintain a regular schedule.

Acne & Sun - Savvy sun worshipping. While it’s true that small amounts of sun exposure may initially improve acne, don’t be fooled; the benefit is temporary. Consistent sun bathing will dry your skin, causing your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Also, skin that has been exposed to the sun has to slough old cells more frequently; when you combine the extra oil and extra dead cells, you create the ideal environment for comedones, or blocked pores. So if you work (or play) in the sun, it’s important to protect your skin with sunscreen. Look for oil-free products that provide at least an SPF 15 protection level from UVA and UVB rays.  

Acne & Stress - The stress connection. Not surprisingly, stress often has a starring role in the ongoing acne drama. “Ninety percent of my patients complain about what stress does to their skin. It has a huge impact, and it’s becoming a bigger problem every day,” says Katie Rodan, MD, a clinical professor of dermatology at Stanford University. 

How can stress — emotional anxiety caused by any number of factors in your life — show up on your face? The connection is purely chemical. When you become tense, your adrenal glands go work, flooding your bloodstream with the hormone cortisol. This triggers the sweat glands in your face to produce more oil. When your sebaceous glands go into high gear, there’s a higher probability that this excess oil will mix with dead skin cells and clog your pores, trapping bacteria inside. The result? More acne, primarily inflamed papules rather than blackheads or whiteheads.

What can you do? Of course, you can't eliminate stress from your life — it's part of being human. But you can minimize its damage by leading a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet and at least seven hours of sleep every night will help you build a stronger physical foundation; if you're well fed and well rested, you're less likely to feel irritated by the events of your day. Try to get some exercise every day, even if it's just a walk around the block at lunchtime. It's also important to take time out of every day to relax — read a book, take a bath, practice yoga, or do whatever makes you feel happy and calm. It's an important step towards overall good health, and therefore the health of your skin.

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04 August 2009

How to Eliminate and Remove Acne Scars

Many people are unaware of the fact that there are many effective treatments for acne. Therefore they fail to seek early treatment. This is unfortunate, as it is only after acne has progressed from a mild or moderate stage to severe acne that there is the risk of developing acne scars. If it is possible to halt the progression of your acne in the early stages, it is best to do this since acne scars should be avoided at all cost. Sometimes acne heals itself with time, when left alone. Other times, it progresses into a more advanced, serious stage. Once acne reaches the stage where acne cysts and acne nodules are developing, there is the possibility of acne scars forming. There are a few treatments aimed at removing acne scars however still some scarring will be permanent or require regular treatment. In general, the great effects from treatments for acne scars are temporary. If your acne becomes severe, it is important to aggressively pursue treatment to halt any further progression. You should consult a doctor or a dermatologist as early as possible in order to get the correct medical advice and to gain access to the latest prescription medicine. Effective treatment, at this stage, can be the difference between ridding yourself of acne and being plagued with a lifetime of scarring. Acne spots are much larger in the severe stage, than during the mild or moderate stages. They can also be quite painful as well. All cases of acne are unique. Treatments that work perfectly for one individual can have absolutely no impact on another. The same is true for treatments for acne scarring. Acne affects the skin of every individual in a different way and each instance of scarring is unique. Therefore, acne scarring treatment is usually dealt with on a case by case basis. There are six well-known treatments for acne scarring. More often than not, a combination of treatments are used as opposed to a single treatment. Acne scars are generally treated using one or more of the following treatments; Dermabrasion, Laser Resurfacing, Chemical Peels, Punch Techniques, Subcision or Augmentation. These treatments vary in price and in effectiveness. A high price does not always mean the most success for you so weigh each option and its proven results carefully. Augmentation is when a substance is injected under an acne scar to help raise the crater-like scars that severe acne leaves. Collagen is often used for this and at times fat from other areas of the individual’s body. Collagen has only temporary results and the treatment would need to be repeated on a regular basis. Other methods such as Dermabrasion and Laser resurfacing are very expensive, however they are not always what you need and they are not always successful in treating scars. Making a decision on an acne scar treatment is tough. Try not to make a decision based on emotions but rather on facts. Think both long term and short term and most importantly, ask your doctor for all of the facts and ask him to clarify any points that are not clear to you. This will help you to make an informed decision that you are happy with.

--> Click Here to Download FREE eBook - Understanding Acne: Causes, Cures and Myths <--

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31 July 2009

5 Acne Treatment Tips You Can Use Today

Dealing with acne can be embarrassing at any age. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do everyday to make sure your skin is less prone to flare ups. Here are 5 acne treatment tips you can use today for taking control of your acne. 

1. Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. However, some safeguards need to be in place to ward off acne that can result from your workout routines. Watch what you put on your body with regards to clothing, sports gear and equipment.

For example, tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits might look great in the movies and on magazine models, but if you are susceptible to acne problems, avoid these synthetic fabrics that tend to trap in body moisture and heat resulting in a bacteria frenzy. Instead, choose loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends to allow more air to get to your skin.

And when you are finished with your workout, get out of clothing wet from perspiration or water sports. Shower and change into dry, clean clothing. And keep your sports gear and equipment clean, too. Dirty headgear, for instance, can irritate forehead areas prone to acne problems. So toss headbands into the washing machine after workout sessions.

2. Cosmetics - To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that are similar to acne and that can contribute to acne, use products labeled non-comedogenic or oil-free. Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Other additives in coloring that can cause similar reactions are coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes.

More preventative measures include using a lip gloss that promotes a matte finish instead of a high gloss for less pore-clogging; note the more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more the pores can clog. Beware that eye creams can contain heavier concentrations of moisturizers than regular creams and lotions, meaning they have greater potential to clog pores in the surrounding facial areas.

3. Diet - Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is recommended for acne preventative care is this: what is best for your body is best for your skin, especially since your skin is the largest organ of your body. So remember to watch your diet and consume healthy vitamins, minerals and other supplements. This will help to prevent and help conquer acne breakout.

4. Hygiene - A healthy skin regimen should include no harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what has washed off, clogging pores in the process. Products with gentle exfoliation ingredients are OK to use; i.e. not scratchy nut or fruit shell pieces that can tear skin. And skip alcohol products when possible; these can take off the top layer of your skin and cause your glands to product more oil, clogging pores in the process.

If you do spot acne-troubled areas, do NOT mess with them. Remember that these are already weeks in the making, and squeezing or picking blemishes can force the infected area to regress back inside, further troubling the region and possibly leave a scar. If necessary, seek help from a dermatologist for alternative treatments.

5. Shaving - Shaving for both genders is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads from the face. A word of caution: for areas with infection or high inflammatory activity (redness, sensitive, open acne, sores, etc.), do not shave. Or at the very least, use a shaving cream for sensitive skin!

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28 July 2009

4 Simple and Affordable Methods to Remove Acne Scars

Acne scars can be a major inconvenience to anybody as it gives the idea of a bad skin complexion and sometimes causes a blow to one’s self confidence. That’s why it is important to understand and know the different ways of treating and remove scars that left by acne. Here you will understand the different methods of getting rid of acne scars. Hopefully in the end your acne scars will be a thing of the past and you may have more good news to your skin’s health.

Aside from expensive acne scars treatment method which are found to be effective but not in the financial reach of most of the population, it is important to know that there are also some natural and much cheaper remedies in getting rid of acne scars. These are acne scars treatment methods that you can use to treat your acne scars right at the convenience of your home.
Natural acne scar treatment is the best solution method especially for those who possess a sensitive skin because natural treatment doesn’t create side effects or rashes that may further destroy your sensitive skin.

1. One of the leading methods of clearing acne scars is the use of oatmeal cleanser. It helps eliminate other skin defect like blackheads and also help in the effective removal of acne scars. The oatmeal method consists of a mixture of rose water and an oatmeal powder; together they will form a paste that you can apply over the areas of your skin affected by the acne scars.

After applying it allow for about fifteen minutes to pass then afterwards rinse it with cold water, this process allows the oatmeal to close all existing skin pores and helps clear up a lot of your existing acne scars. To see the best kind of results you should do this everyday.

2. Another leading acne scar treatment option is the use of honey. Considered as one of the best natural remedy for acne scars, honey plays a great role in defeating bacteria that actually causes acnes. After cleaning your skin, you can then apply honey to the affected part of your skin. Wait after ten minutes before rinsing it with clean water.

3. Others include applying lotions and gels that are available at leading pharmacies and are highly recommended by professionals. The most important thing to remember when dealing with acne scars is that you should be patient with one kind of treatment and use it until the remnants of acne scars are completely taken care of.

4. Other well known acne scar treatment is the use of the process called laser resurfacing. It’s a process that involves a laser being applied to the affected skin and with that it will kill the bacteria that forms the acne scars. This can take from a number of minutes until an hour or so and usually takes between 2 to 10 days before the skin to heal completely.

Remember there are now a lot of ways to remove acne scars. Just be patient in looking for a method that can fit your needs.

--> Get Your FREE eBook - Understanding Acne: Causes, Cures and Myths <--
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26 July 2009

Makeup Tutorial - Smokey Royal Blue With Glasses

Hello ladies, welcome back Platinum Beauty & SkinCare makeup tutorials. Few days ago, I post a makeup tutorial for girls who are wearing glasses. For those who have miss it, you can watch it here: Makeup Tutorial - Makeup for Glasses Ladies. But do you know that for girls who wearing glasses can look sexy too. This makeup tutorial will show you how to do your makeup to look sexy with glasses The owner of this video creator called it "Smokey Royal Blue With Glasses".

Makeup Tutorial - Smokey Royal Blue With Glasses

*Original from Michelle Phan

Apply this Makeup Tutorial - Smokey Royal Blue With Glasses and show your sexy look to your lover or friends. You can tell the world for ladies who wear glasses can look pretty and sexy too. I believe when you apply this makeup tutorial you may having trouble to getting some products used by this video owner, because some products only available at certain country. You may try to search some compatible products at YesStyle Beauty Shop (*free shipping world wide with terms and conditions apply) to complete your makeup and get ready to show your sexy look to the world.

Good Luck :)

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24 July 2009

FREE eBook - Understanding Acne: Causes, Cures and Myths

Dear Readers,

I would like to say thank you for reading my posts. To further help my loyal readers gaining more information combat or prevent acne, I have prepared a FREE eBook - Understanding Acne: Causes, Cures and Myths for you to download and read it later. This 51 pages eBook discuss about MUST KNOW information about acne and this is include:

1. Explanation about acne.
2. 7 myths of acne.
3. 9 causes of acne.
4. 6 type of acne.
5. 4 types of severe acne.
6. A list of common natural acne remedies.
7. Discussion about over the counter acne remedies and ingredients.
8. A list of surgical option to treat acne.

To read this eBook (.PDF file) you may require a PDF reader software. If you do not have one, you may download this software here for free. Adobe Reader.

Once again thank you for reading my posts and stay tuned for more helpful information to come live. I wish you have a healthy and beauty skin. Take care.


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23 July 2009

Makeup Tutorial - Makeup for Glasses Ladies

Many girls are wearing glasses today, maybe too hardworking on  studies or sitting in-front of monitor too long. Major root cause for so many girls wearing glasses. I believe most ladies having trouble with eye makeup for glasses. This makeup tutorial - Makeup for Glasses Ladies will show you a fun way to enhance your eyes with makeup to wear with glasses. This video tutorial was not prepared by me. I found it at and I would like to share with more people about this makeup tutorial. Watch this video to learn more...

Makeup Tutorial - Makeup for Glasses Ladies

*Original from Michelle Phan

Try apply this Makeup Tutorial - Makeup for Glasses Ladies and show your beauty to your lover or friends. I believe you may having trouble to getting some products used by this video owner, because some products only available at certain country. You may try to search some compatible products at YesStyle Beauty Shop (*free shipping world wide with terms and conditions apply) to complete your makeup and get ready to show your beauty.

Good Luck   :)

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22 July 2009

Acne Video # 6 - Acne Scars

We are now at Acne Video # 6 - Acne Scars. If you miss our first and second video, you can watch here (Acne Video # 1 - Understanding Acne Basics; Acne Video # 2 - Types of Acne (What's That Zit?); Acne Video # 3 - Acne Prevention; Acne Video # 4 - Treating Mild Acne and Acne Video # 5 - Treating Severe Acne) to catch up with us.

When come to acne scars, prevention always better then solution. Nowadays, even our hottest celebrity like Brad Pitt has acne scars, and they just make him look sexier. However, if you're not feeling like Brad Pitt, you may be interested in cosmetically altering those tell-tale pockmarks. Let's look at your options...Watch the video to learn more...

*P/S: Do check out our top recommended store Revitol Nature Skin Care Store and YesStyle Beauty Shop for more acne treatment and acne scars solution.

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21 July 2009

Acne Video # 5 - Treating Severe Acne

We are now at Acne Video # 5 - Treating Severe Acne. If you miss our first and second video, you can watch here (Acne Video # 1 - Understanding Acne Basics; Acne Video # 2 - Types of Acne (What's That Zit?); Acne Video # 3 - Acne Prevention and Acne Video # 4 - Treating Mild Acne) to catch up with us.
Almost 40% of people with blemishes have what is known as severe acne. Keep watching for common treatment options.Watch to learn more

Continue to watch Acne Video # 6 - Treating Severe Acne.

*P/S: Do check out our recommended acne solution - Revitol Acnezine at our Online Store.

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20 July 2009

Acne Video # 4 - Treating Mild Acne

We are now at Acne Video # 4 - Treating Mild Acne. If you miss our first and second video, you can watch here (Acne Video # 1 - Understanding Acne Basics; Acne Video # 2 - Types of Acne (What's That Zit?); and Acne Video # 3 - Acne Prevention)to catch up with us.

Ever wish you had a tour guide to navigate those drugstore shelves? Now you do! Watch this video for more info.

Continue to Watch: Acne Video # 5 - Treating Severe Acne

*P/S: Do check out our recommended store YesStyle Beauty Shop for more acne solution.

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10 Simple and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Are you looking for acne treatments that really work? The good news is, whether you're a teenager or an adult suffering from acne, you don't have to live with it. Here you can find 10 super simple and natural ways to get rid of acne.

1. Do not pick, press or rub your pimples. These actions actually increase the sebum production and rupture the membranes below your skin. The infection and sebum will spread underneath your skin and cause more pimples. Also, you risk increasing the chances of leaving scars on your face.

2. Wash your face twice a day using a mild soup. It is even better if you can buy sulfur-based soap especially for acne. If your skin is too oily, use a soap with benzoyl peroxide. Do not use rough sponges, brushes, or anything similar on your face. You shouldn't, however, over-wash your face because it will actually stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum which will increase your acne.

3. Check if it is because of the food. For many people, food allergy can cause very serious acne condition. You should avoid eating too much oily and spicy food. Recent studies have shown that acne can also be caused by milk which contains hormones as well as seafood with relatively high levels of iodine. If possible, cut down on those foods. Other foods you may consider avoiding are: sugar, dairy products, deep-fried food, meat, nut butters, etc. On the other hand, it is believed that green vegetables, vegetable juices and foods rich in zinc can help alleviate acne condition.

4. Drink more water every day. "Eight glasses of water a day can keep acne away." says Jennifer Thoden, a respected acne expert. The reason is that water can carry waste material out of our body and it really helps heal and prevent acne flare-ups.

5. Do not wear makeup if possible. Makeup products can clog your pores, cause more blackheads and pimples. If you have to wear makeup, make sure it is water-based. Be sure to clean your makeup brushes regularly and cleanse your skin before you sleep.

6. Do not use oily products. Avoid products such as hair pomades, intense oil-based facial moisturizers, and oily cleansers.

7. Keep your face clean. Do not rest your chin on your hands or constantly touch your face. Regular shampoo your hair and keep it off your face, especially when you sleep.

8. Exercise moderately as it helps in blood circulation and eliminataion of toxins.

9. Stay stress-free. Studies have shown that stress not only worsens acne flare-up, it also worsens the overall skin condition. Talk to your friends, listen to your favorite music, or take a walk in the park. There are many things you can do to be stree free.

10. Get Sunshine and fresh air. Sunshine stimulates vitamin D in the body, an essential vitamin for healthy skin. Fresh air and sunshine can also reduce stress (tip #9) and increase oxygen to the skin. Don't get burnt in the sun though. Burnt and heavily tanned skin forms a layer on the skin that doesn't exfoliate quickly enough and can lead to blocked pores.

--> Get Your FREE eBook - Understanding Acne: Causes, Cures and Myths <--

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19 July 2009

Acne Video # 3 - Acne Prevention

We are now at Acne Video # 3 - Acne Prevention. If you miss our first and second video, you can watch here (Acne Video # 1 - Understanding Acne Basics and Acne Video # 2 - Types of Acne (What's That Zit?)) to catch up with us.

Never want another zit? Okay, we can't make any promises because everyone breaks out on occasion. But don't despair yet...there are some dermatologist-recommended tips that will help ensure that your skin is smooth.Watch o learn more...

Continue to Watch: Acne Video # 4 - Treating Mild Acne

*P/S: Do check out our recommended acne solution - Revitol Acnezine at our Online Store.

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Acne Video # 2 - Types of Acne (What's That Zit?)

We are now at Acne Video # 2 - Types of Acne (What's That Zit?). If you miss our first video, you can watch here (Acne Video # 1 - Understanding Acne Basics) to catch up with us.

Before you can treat your acne, it is important to understand that there are different types of acne. By understanding what type of acne you have, will help you choose the right treatment to control or cure it. There are few types of acne you can discover and learn from this video. Watch to learn more...

Continue to Watch: Acne Video # 3 - Acne Prevention
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18 July 2009

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Platinum Beauty & SkinCare

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17 July 2009

Acne Video # 1 - Understanding Acne Basics

Understanding Acne Basics - Acne is a very common skin disorder for teens to adults. But how much do you understand about acne?

Here are some numbers about acne statistics that you may want to know:
  • 99% of teenagers are suffering acne.
  • 25% of adult men are suffering acne.
  • 50% of adult women are suffering acne.
  • 20% of peoples have acne badly enough to cause scars.
Acne affects people regardless of age, gender or race. While thoroughly treatable, of those who suffer from acne:
  • 11% will see a physician.
  • 20% will go to a skin care center.
  • 30% will use an over-the-counter medication from a drug store or pharmacy.
  • 40+% will do nothing.
These are the people that deal with acne on a regular basis. Watch the video to learn the basics of this unwelcome condition. By understanding acne, you can determine the most suitable treatments to combat your acne problems.

Continue to Watch: Acne Video # 2 - What's That Zit (Types of Acne)?

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6 Tips About Acne Prevention

One of the most common misconceptions about acne is that it's caused by dirt. It's not! Acne is caused by a combination of factors you can't control, like your hormone balance and the natural pace of your skin's renewal system. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can control that may help you keep your acne in check. Begin by following these simple suggestions for healthy-skin hygiene.

Acne Prevention - Tip #1: Don't over-wash. Since dirt is not causing your acne, excessive scrubbing and washing won't make it go away. Try to limit yourself to two washings per day - anything more than that can leave your healthy skin dry, and your acne-prone areas irritated. Habitual over - washing may also stimulate extra oil production, which could result in more breakouts.

Acne Prevention - Tip #2: Skip harsh scrubs. It's okay to exfoliate, but be sure to use a gentle formula with small, smooth grains. Avoid products with almond or apricot shell fragments; they can irritate or even tear your skin and further aggravate your acne.

Acne Prevention - Tip #3: Say no to alcohol. If you use a toner, avoid products with high concentrations of isopropyl alcohol, or common rubbing alcohol. A strong astringent, alcohol strips the top layer of your skin, causing your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. The result? Dry, red skin - and possibly more blemishes.

Acne Prevention - Tip #4: Don't squeeze or pick. Squeezing or picking your blemishes - with fingernails, pins or anything else - can force bacteria deeper into the skin, causing greater inflammation and infection. You'll also increase the damage to the surrounding skin, so the blemish is more likely to leave a permanent acne scar.

Acne Prevention - Tip #5: Hands off! Propionibacterium acnes (the bacteria that causes breakouts) is a normal resident of your skin; it doesn't lead to acne until it gets trapped inside the hair follicle. Excessive touching of your face, including rubbing or even resting your chin in your hands, can drive bacteria into your pores - where it can begin its dirty work.

Acne Prevention - Tip #6: Work out, wash off. When you exercise, your movement generates heat; clothing and equipment cause friction. Until you shower off, heat and moisture are trapped against your skin, creating an ideal breeding ground for the spread of bacteria. So whenever you can, shower off immediately after exercising.

Acne Prevention Treatment - Find a regimen and stick with it. Most cases of mild acne can be improved with "over-the-counter" products, or products that don't require a prescription from your doctor. There is a wide range of treatments available, and there's a good chance one of them will work for you. If you start treatment before your acne gets severe, you'll have a better chance of avoiding physical and emotional problems down the road. But if your acne gets worse or lasts more than a couple of weeks, see a dermatologist. Here's a quick listing of the most common products used to treat acne - click on the links that interest you for more information on that course of acne treatment.

Revitol - Acnezine (Acne Skin Care Treatment)

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16 July 2009

How do You Choose Your Acne Medications?

There are many medical treatments for acne, although unfortunately, it can not be said that there is any one, single treatment to cure acne. Rather than having a single treatment for acne, doctors generally have to try several different products for each individual before finding the treatment or combination of treatments that will clear up the problem. Every case of acne is different and will do different things to the skin depending on the individual. This makes acne quite a difficult condition to treat. A lot of experimentation and trial and error with various medications is usually needed before a successful treatment is found. This can be very frustrating for the person that wants a quick-fix solution to their problem or even for those individuals that have a stubborn strain of acne that takes a long time to clear up. It always helps to see a doctor or dermatologist that has plenty of experience in treating acne, this way they can draw on their professional experience. There are some absolute 'no nos' when it comes to dealing with acne. You should never scrub skin that is affected by acne. This irritates and inflames the acne, causing more pimples and making the healing process longer and more drawn out. Never attempt to self-treat or self-medicate. Pimple removal is something that should always be left up to a trained doctor in an antiseptic environment.In most cases, the first treatment that a doctor will recommend is a topical cream. These creams, like all acne treatments, do not cure acne, but rather help manage the symptoms of the acne. The treatment that you receive will depend on the type of symptoms that you are experiencing. It will either be aimed at unplugging pores, killing bacteria (antibiotics), reducing the amount of oils (such as Accutane) or altering the hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands (such as oral contraceptives). If topical creams alone prove ineffective, doctors will usually combine them with an oral antibiotic. The topical creams usually contain benzoyl peroxide which although effective, should be used in small doses. It was originally thought to be harmless, however studies show that prolonged use or overuse can lead to premature aging of the skin. The most important thing to remember when attempting to rid yourself of acne is to work with a trained medical professional that you trust. Secondly, be patient. Even in the best of cases, acne does not clear up overnight. In fact, even when you have found a treatment that works, your skin will usually get worse before it gets better. Doctors usually recommend continuing a treatment for at least four to six weeks before expecting to see results. Do not be disappointed if the first treatment that you try does not work. Expect to try several different treatments before finally finding success.

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15 July 2009

Understanding Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgarisImage via Wikipedia
Acne vulgaris is the scientific name for acne. Everyone gets this skin disease. At a certain point in life. In fact, it has been proven that about 85% of the total population in any place have had a cause to be infected with pimples are during a point in their lives this occurring mostly during the teenage years. Also, women seem to keep fighting the scourge well into their 40s and 50s as a result of female body cycles and the hormonal changes that occur in women. Men have also been known to develop pimples as a result of stress. The cause of acne is not complicated. It is caused by the blocking of the skin pores by oil and dead skin layers. When the oil and the skin block the skin pores, it gives room for bacteria that is trapped under the pores to grow causing infection. Androgen hormones cause the sebaceous glands to produce too much oil, then when excessive skin oils and the bacteria are trapped below the surface of the skin, the area becomes inflamed and the mixture begins to leak into surrounding skin. This build up, causes swelling, redness and pus, which is seen on the surface of the skin as a pimple; either a whitehead or a blackhead. Although acne has been around since the beginning of man, it is a fairly under-studied disease. This means that there is still a lot of frustration for those that suffer from acne, since a lot of trial and error is involved in treating the condition. Doctors still can not identify one single treatment to resolve all cases of acne. More often than not, they ask their patient to try one treatment after another until they find the solution that will work for them. To add to this frustration, the skin takes a long time to show improvements even when treatment is working.There are effective treatments for all types of acne, even for the most severe of cases. It is best to seek treatment for acne sooner rather than later as acne is a progressive condition that moves from mild, to moderate to severe quickly over time. Severe acne can, and often does, cause permanent scarring of the skin. Once this happens, the acne sufferer will either have permanent scars or will have to seek regular treatment to have the scars removed. This is a hassle that they do not need after years of painful acne.The person that seeks medical treatment for their acne before it reaches the stage of being severe has a better chance of fully recovering unscathed. They can go on to lead "normal" lives with no visible signs of the skin disease that at one time ailed them. If you are currently suffering from acne, the most important decision that you can make is the decision to seek treatment and to halt the progression of the skin disease.

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14 July 2009

The Truth About Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxideImage via Wikipedia
One of the most commonly used ingredients, Benzoyl Peroxide can be very effective in treating mild cases of non-inflammatory acne. It’s safe for children as well as adults, and may combined with other topical or oral treatments.

Benzoyl Peroxide - HOW IT WORKS?

Benzoyl peroxide works by destroying P. acnes (Propionibacterium acnes), the bacteria that causes the condition acne. It acts as an antiseptic and oxidizing agent, reducing the number of comedones, or blocked pores. It may be 2–3 weeks before you begin to see improvement.

NOTE: While benzoyl peroxide kills existing P. acnes, it does not increase your body’s natural resistance to bacteria. So even when your breakouts begin to disappear, you should keep treating acne-prone areas. Why? This course of acne treatment kills bacteria, but it does not affect sebum production or the rate at which you shed your dead skin cells. If you stop using it, the bacteria — and your acne — will return.

Benzoyl Peroxide - WHERE TO GET IT?

Benzoyl peroxide is available in a wide range of gels, creams, lotions and cleansers in non-prescription concentrations of 2.5%, 5% and 10%. It is also available in presciption medications such as BenzaClin®, Benzamycin®, and Duac™. As with any product, read the label carefully and follow the instructions for proper use.

Benzoyl Peroxide - COMMON SIDE EFFECTS?

Dryness: The most common side effect, dryness is usually mild. If the skin is visibly scaly, apply a light oil-free moisturizer.

NOTE: If you experience dryness, irritation or dermatitis and are using a 5% or 10% solution of benzoyl peroxide, you may want to give your skin some time to heal — then try a lower concentration.

Irritation: If you experience mild irritation, try decreasing the frequency of use. If irritation is severe or persists even with infrequent application, discontinue use.

Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis (red, dry, itchy skin) can be due to irritation or allergy. Discontinue use immediately and treat with a mild topical steroid, such as hydrocortisone cream (available in most drugstores).

Allergy: 1–2% of the population experiences a mild allergic reaction to benzoyl peroxide. This is usually characterized by itching and redness.

Bleaching of clothing: Benzoyl peroxide can bleach clothing and linens; make sure your skin is completely dry before touching any cloth.

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13 July 2009

Natural Remedies in Acne Treatment

Hair follicleImage via Wikipedia
In recent times, it has been proven that the number of people who have acne has increased drastically. The reasons for his have not been proven and as result, there is not official pronouncement on the reasons for this. However, we can make some assumptions that are susceptible to corrections. The reason there is a rampant case of acne today can be largely attributed to our diets and possibly the environment. In the past, reported incidents of acne treatments weren't exactly common. However, things have changed today. There is no clear account of the number of people suffering from acne. But the sale of medicines for acne is on the increase and this suggests that there is an increase in the number of people having acne. Acne which is mainly caused as a result of the clogging of the skin pores by the oil generated by the sebaceous gland in the skin. He clogging of the skin pores are s a result of certain bacteria. It is for this reason that most acne treatments are never effective. They concentrate more on eliminating the symptoms and not the root cause. So, instead of focusing on how to eliminate the bacteria, these solutions work for scar removal and pimple drying. Because most of these ointments and treatment methods hardly work, attention has shifted from over-the-counter-prescriptions and doctor recommended diagnosis to alternative therapy and medicine.These alternative therapies like Acnezine which can be found at have been consistently proven to work and produce the desired results. While most of them do not over hype their products like others do, it is said that they can easily get rid of any acne given a 30-day trial period. If this seems too far, then you can go on dealing with the same issues every time. But these products offer one of the most important solutions and cure to acne which is the elimination of the root cause instead of just symptom treatment. In conjunction with using natural remedies like Acnezine, it is always best to also change your diet from one of junk meals and foods to that which is filled with all forms of fruits. The plentier the fruits, the better. So, change the diet. Avoid all forms of foods oil rich foods like hotdogs, sandwich, cheese and anything related to cheese and a host of other forms of junk.
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